"Business start-ups and growth: How do I find the right legal form?" The participants at the 3rd Wednesday on 19 March 2025 at e-port Dortmund received valuable tips from Meike Ströhmer, Assessor jur. further education institute WbI GmbH. Maik Rehr and Charlotte Roeser, Rehr & Roeser GbR, Digital Marketing, and freelancer Sabrina Richmann, graduate designer and photographer, reported on their practical experiences as founders.
Organised the 3rd Wednesday event of the TechnologieZentrumDortmund (TZDO) at e-port Dortmund (from left): Charlotte Roeser and Maik Rehr, Rehr & Roeser GbR, Sabrina Richmann, graduate designer and photographer, Dirk Stürmer, Managing Director TechnologieZentrumDortmund, Sabine Lindner, Head of e-port Dortmund, Meike Ströhmer, Assessor jur. Weiterbildungsinstitut WbI GmbH, Wilfried Müller, Managing Director LOCON-Consult GmbH & Co, Assia Fillal, owner of Tatis Café, and Julia Kleff, Project Manager Weiterbildungsinstitut WbI GmbH. Photo: TZDO / Nancy Patrias
LOCON-Consult from the e-port Dortmund
Wilfried Müller, owner and Managing Director of LOCON-Consult GmbH & Co. KG, presented his company from e-port Dortmund to the guests. LOCON-Consult specialises in consultancy services in the fields of logistics and supply chain management. It offers customised solutions for optimising business processes, particularly in transport and warehouse logistics.
Assia Fillal, founder and owner of Tatis Café in Dortmund's Nordstadt district, presented herself from the Dortmund Economic Development Agency's start-up centre.
Next 3rd Wednesday on 21 May 2025
The 3rd Wednesday is a series of events organised by the TZDO. The next 3rd Wednesday will take place on 21 May 2025, starting at 18:00, admission 17:30, at the Centre for Production Technology Dortmund, Carlo-Schmid-Allee 3, 44263 Dortmund on PHOENIX West.
"Which financier is right for me and when - financing and development know-how for companies" is the topic of the keynote speech by Simone Plum, authorised signatory of NRW.BANK and development consultant at NRW.BANK's Business Development Advisory Centre.
The 3rd Wednesday is characterised by stimulating after-work networking in a relaxed atmosphere. Presentations by companies with innovative solutions from the TZDO complete the programme of the free networking event.
Directly online to the 3rd Wednesday register on 21 May
3rd Wednesday is supported by many partners
The 3rd Wednesday is supported by many partners. Our thanks go to the partner Gründerinnenzentrum der Dortmund Economic Development Agency and the sponsors DOKOM21, Dortmunder Actien Brewery, Marx & Marx Insurance Brokers and Dortmund Savings Bank and the health partner Techniker Krankenkasse.