Venture capital for tech innovations and the new innoclub were the focus of the 3rd Wednesday on 19 February 2025 at the TechnologieZentrumDortmund (TZDO). The well-attended networking event for founders, start-ups and companies also featured a presentation by the Startup SLAPstack from the TZDO and founder Susana Spyrka from the start-up centre of the Dortmund Economic Development Agency.
(from left) Nico Hemmann, Managing Director of VORNvc Management GmbH and Head of the Sparkasse Dortmund Start-up Centre, Dr Anna Dieckhöfer, co-founder of SLAPStack, Susana Spyrka, founder of Tumana, Andrea Schubert, team leader for reasons at the Dortmund Economic Development Agency, and Dirk Stürmer, Managing Director of the TechnologieZentrumDortmund. Photo: TZDO / Roland Kentrup
Venture capital as a regional growth factor
In his keynote speech, Nico Hemmann presented the new regional venture capital fund VORNvc of the region's savings banks. He emphasised the importance of venture capital as a regional growth factor and driver of innovation. "With VORNvc, the savings banks in the region around Dortmund are launching a VC fund that not only finances technology-orientated start-ups, but also gives them access to SMEs. Open to all sectors, the fund focuses on companies with a financing requirement of more than 0.5 million euros and can invest up to five million euros per portfolio company," says Hemmann.
In his keynote speech, Nico Hemmann explains how a regional venture capital fund promotes tech innovations. Photo: TZDO / Roland Kentrup
innoclub: New network for Corporates, SMEs and start-ups
The new innoclub based in the TechnologyCentreDortmund presented Andrea Schubert: "The innoclub is an exclusive network to strengthen innovation in Dortmund and the Westphalian Ruhr region: connect. inspire. accelerate. This is where SMEs and corporates meet a curated selection of excellent start-ups to inspire each other and share experiences, knowledge, skills and resources."
The innoclub is a project of the Dortmund Chamber of Industry and Commerce, which is supported by the local sponsors Wirtschaftsförderung Dortmund, TU Dortmund University, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts and the International School of Management Dortmund. Partner companies include Sparkasse Dortmund, the Murtfeld Group and TechnologieZentrumDortmund. Further information about the innoclub can be found here.
Andrea Schubert introduced the new innoclub based at the TZDO. Photo: TZDO / Roland Kentrup
Dortmund-based start-up SLAPStack: Innovative Floor block bearing
Dr Anna Dieckhöfer showed how innovations from Dortmund are successfully introduced to the market. She is co-founder of the Dortmund start-ups SLAPStack, which is one of the "innoclub Fellows". "SLAPStack is a revolutionary AI-based operating system for floor block storage systems that integrates all the necessary software components such as master control, warehouse management and simulation in a single solution. This enables optimised order processing for driverless and manually controlled forklift trucks. The easy-to-implement, efficient and adaptive storage system enables significant cost savings," explained Dr Anna Dieckhöfer. Further information on SLAPStack can be found here.
Dirk Stürmer (left) in dialogue with Dr Anna Dieckhöfer after her presentation of the Dortmund start-ups SLAPStack. Photo: TZDO / Roland Kentrup
Founder Susana Spyrka: Digital transformation
From the Dortmund start-up centre Susana Spyrka, owner of the Tumana Consultancy Agency. She supports companies in solving complex issues through service design, UX design and agile methods. With over eight years of experience in digital transformation, she focuses on user-centred solutions and empowering teams. You can find more information here.
Founder Susana Spyrka introduced herself and her counselling agency Tumana. Photo: TZDO / Roland Kentrup
Next 3rd Wednesday on 19 March 2025 at e-port
The 3rd Wednesday is a series of events organised by the TZDO. The next 3rd Wednesday will take place on 19 March 2025 at e-port Dortmund in the Digitalhafen Dortmund, Mallinckrodtstraße 320, 44147 Dortmund. The 3rd Wednesday is characterised by stimulating after-work networking in a relaxed atmosphere. Participants can also look forward to keynote speeches on relevant, current topics. Presentations by companies with innovative solutions from the TZDO round off the programme of the free event.
Directly online until to the 14 March 2025 register
Please register here by 14 March 2025 for the 3rd Wednesday on 19 March 2025 at e-port Dortmund.
3rd Wednesday is supported by many partners
The 3rd Wednesday is supported by many partners. We would like to thank our partner Gründerinnenzentrum der Wirtschaftsförderung Dortmund and the sponsors DOKOM21, Dortmunder Actien Brewery, Marx & Marx Insurance Brokers and Dortmund Savings Bank and the health partner Techniker Krankenkasse.