Innovative companies from the TZDO: MotionMiners GmbH - Optimising processes in production, trade and logistics

MotionMiners GmbH is based at TechnologieZentrumDortmund (TZDO), Emil-Figge-Straße 80, and measures and optimises processes in production, trade and logistics.

The start-up was founded in 2017 as a spin-off from Fraunhofer IML Dortmund. Photos: MotionMiners

Today, the company employs around 70 people at the TZDO.

What are we doing?

Motion-Mining®: Measuring, evaluating and optimising processes in production, trade and logistics.

Record employee and vehicle movement data anonymously and improve work processes.

We use AI-based data analysis to ensure greater efficiency and ergonomics.

The founders are (photo from left) Sascha Feldhorst, CEO, René Grzeszick, CTO, and Sascha Kaczmarek, COO.

Why are we at the TZDO?

"The support from the Fraunhofer IML and the TZDO was invaluable to us. We have not only benefited from their outstanding expertise and first-class resources, but also from a strong network that has opened important doors for us," emphasises Sascha Kaczmarek.

You can find more information about MotionMiners here.

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